Wednesday 4 February 2009

Relational Possibilities...

Hi - this is my first post...

I am currently studying for my MA in Arts in a Social Context and want to express my thoughts about my work in the hope that I might get some feedback good or bad about my ideas. Presently I am musing on relational aesthetics - the aesthetics of human interaction - human behaviours as form that can hold an aesthetic quality. I wanted to start with a definition of the term Interstice and then show some pictures of artists work that interests me. You can see above work by Esther Stocker and Vanessa Beecroft. I have chosen to show you examples of these works becuase I feel they represent the extremities of human interactions - from Esther Stocker's introspective meditations on personal locations in relationship to a chaotic universe to Vanessa Beecroft's stark feminist images that fragment feminist reactions yet to me represent the contradictions of the human condition in the consumer age.

Interstice \in-TUR-stuhs\, noun;plural interstices \in-TUR-stuh-seez; -suhz\:

1. A space between things or parts, especially a space between things closely set; a narrow chink; a crack; a crevice; an interval.

Everyday I think about my interactions with people, psychological and physiological. What happens between people? I feel curious about the transaction of physical and mental space and where these sensations meet to form reactions/events, sometimes subtle, sometimes strong. I think, "it must be the context, as well as the content" and I try to control my reactions or surpress them because it feels like sometimes people sense my awareness and I can see they are somehow anxious about me, even though they have no reason to be. This is frustrating because I enjoy feeling alive and in touch with people and situations in the present, in the here and now, because there is a freedom in the pure exchanges that result from freeing your mind of agendas and because I want to feel connected to people without experiencing the underlying fear people seem to have of the 'Other', which I think is linked to the competitive ideologies of capitalist society which we let inhibit the possibilities of our personal interactions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian. In the absence of comments (which rather flies in the face of your words on the value of people-connectivity)thought I should add one. Really like what you've said here. Feels like there's more 'connecting' going on around town, random conversations..possibilities. If you fancy discovering Synchro studios you can contact me on
